The religious values of presidents seldom satisfactorily explain their attitudes toward the Jews. Franklin Roosevelt’s Episcopalian faith could not have foretold his hard-hearted policies during the Holocaust. Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter, both Baptists, went in opposite directions, with [...]
Archive for September, 2012
Sunday Revelations: Christopher Hitchens on Mitt Romney’s Mormonism.
Mitt Romney’s windy, worthless speech. By Christopher Hitchens|Posted Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007, at 5:40 PM ET Slate Mitt Romney speaks on faith in America Almost the only clever thing about Gov. Mitt Romney’s long-denied and long-delayed but obviously long-prepared “response” w[...]
from WONKETTE We ll this is unfortunate. After the Great Mommy War (Redux) of Two-Thousand-And-Twelve, which pitted the Sanctity of Motherhood and America against one lesbo (and Barack Obama), and which was second only to the Great Wonkette Commenter Riots for the year’s most devastating skullfuck[...]
Romneyisms: talkin to black folk
Romney’s NAACP Speech Mitt got loudly booed for dissing Obamacare, but otherwise was treated more than politely .. esp. compared with the reception one might imagine the black dude from Hawaii getting in a similar venue. The rad right wants to spin this as evidence of Rmoney’s courage,[...]
Election 2012: Michelle Obama’s Great Speech
If you did not watch this, you should![...]
UW Falls Over The Funding Cliff
While cuts in higher education have happened across the US, Washington State, with its 23% cut, is tied with Californai for the biggest cuts in the nation. Given that our economy, relative to the rest of the crippled states. is among the best does this make sense?[...]
SOCIAL SECURITY: NIH receives Funding Under Title VI of the Social Security Act
NIH: Chronology of Events 1700 | 1800 | 1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 1700 1798 The Marine Hospital Service was established with the July 16 signing by President John Adams of an act for the relief of sick and […][...]
BREAKING NEWS: Chicago, is the strike over?
End to Chicago teachers’ strike is not assured Read more: Despite the somewhat dubious source at Fox news, I recommend this article. The article suggests that the strike may not end on Monday. Whi[...]