

We ll this is unfortunate. After the Great Mommy War (Redux) of Two-Thousand-And-Twelve, which pitted the Sanctity of Motherhood and America against one lesbo (and Barack Obama), and which was second only to the Great Wonkette Commenter Riots for the year’s most devastating skullfucking and bloodshed, it seems General Romney may have turncoated his own once-firmly held ideals and beliefs! You see, it turns out that he too thinks that stay-at-home-moms have never worked a day in their lives — at least if they are on welfare. Then all of a sudden motherhood is no longer the holiest calling and most important job in the universe! So does that make Ann Romney a welfare queen? No, because her Cadillacs are not apocryphal. Up With Chris, can you roll that ancient, long-forgotten tape from all the way back in January?

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