Presidential Campaign: Get Out the Vote!

There aren’t that many folks who are truly on the fence.

By Brooklynbadboy at Daily Kos:

As some of us have been saying for a long time …., this is a base turnout election. There aren’t that many folks who are truly on the fence. The key to victory is turnout of the Democratic base. Like Harry Reid did despite having a tidal wave of negative numbers against him.  It should be repeated that this election is looking like 2004 at this point: a somewhat weakened incumbent president driving through a sharply divided electorate for a close victory. Turnout of his base was the key to George W. Bush’s close victory over John Kerry.

But there is the other component to that kind of campaign: making one’s opponent an unacceptable alternative. George W. Bush didn’t just campaign that he was the best person to keep the country safe even after it had been successfully attacked on his watch. He also convinced a majority that a noted war hero and foreign policy expert was the wrong person for the job. Similarly, the Obama campaign has to destroy Romney’s credibility on the economy, which is the one area where Romney continues to outpoll the president.

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