Candidate for Congress, Second District

We all make decisions to save on paying taxes.   We don’t buy things which we can not afford the sales tax on.
Our economic depression is not going to get better because we are running out of cheap oil.  Dwight Pelz is a coward and it is because he has not stood up and lead the party demanding the prosecution of AWOL Bush et. al for war crimes and other high crimes.   The belief that all of us, to include the Bush Administration are treated equally under the law is a motive that helps American work together for our common good and civil society.
The Democrats who are union leaders also have failed to learn how bad our future looks.  They are not teaching their members just how bad things are going to get due to peak oil and global climate change.
Our free press is not telling Americans how dangerous our air filters are becoming as radioactive hot particles are being collected in them form Fukushima radioactive fallout and Democrats are not demanding our government get over to Japan and help them get their fuel rods out of the damaged cooling ponds before they catch fire (a nuclear fire) and cause a massive extinction of the north hemisphere of earth.  Why?  Because of the hot particles like plutonium, like smoke from a fire, get into the wind.
Fukushima may lead to a mass Extinction on Earth
I am taking a enormous risk by stating the following as I will catch massive push-back should I be wrong.
HOWEVER, I was trained as an intelligence analyst in the Army and one of my highest values was to report to my commander my best guess about the enemy threat. So I trust you all can handle this bad news and do as you think best.
Therefore, I want our government to take immediate action regarding the following and if that means deploying all our military forces to help Japan, so be it.
Fukushima Is Falling Apart: Are You Ready … For A Mass Extinction Event?
If they are MOX fuel, containing 6% plutonium, one fuel rod has the potential to kill 2.89 billion people. If this pool collapses, as Senator Wyden is now saying too, we would face a mass extinction event from the release of radiation in those rods.
That is, if we aren’t in one already. Nuke experts like Arnie Gundersen and Helen Caldicottare prepared to evacuate their families to the southern hemisphere if that happens. It is that serious.
So now you know, if you didn’t before. We are in big trouble.
Dick McManus for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, 2012
Democrat, Everett/Mill Creek, WA
Chief Warrant Officer/counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired.

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