Defenders of The Cross

A group of Marines dragged a cross up a hill To honor the loss of their brothers In a land where we’re equal, according to law, Though some are more equal than others. The cross on the hill is a trivial thing, So “establishment” need not apply It isn’t religious—no need to remove it— Besides which, I’d dare you to try. Those atheist bastards who chose to complain Are requesting divine retribution! And no one believes in their flimsy excuse That they’re fighting for our Constitution! This nation was founded by Christians, you know— In this country, majority rules! We don’t need to hide behind legalese crap Like those arrogant atheist fools! Don’t lecture Marines on the duty they’ve sworn— What they’re tasked to protect and defend; They know what the law is; they know very well, And if not, what the hell, they’ll pretend.

The Marines at Camp Pendleton erected a large cross in tribute to some fallen comrades.  Sadly, this well meant gesture was on public land and now there is the inevitable controversy.

Of course an atheist group is demanding the cross be removed out of concerns that it makes non-Christians in the military feel like “second class citizens.” Read more:

The Marines are, of course,  defending the cross.

“Marines roll deep and the most dangerous place to be is between a Marine and fallen Marines,” posted one person.

The result, according to PZ Myers,  “is a stupid poll, in which defenders of this cross have to resort to lying and trivializing their own faith ”

Of course, Faux news is chiming in, after all we are in Christmas Season!

Should Marine Corps OK cross?

Yes, it’s not a religious statement but one of respect. 82%
No, it’s clearly a violation of church and state. 18%


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