BREAKING NEWS: Should you shop at Home Depot?

There are signs that Romney’s campaign is in serious trouble.   While he is raising money at a good pace, as the single moderate running for the GOP, Mitt Romney is getting very few small donations. Last quarter, Romney had  55,000 individual donors.  By contrast Ron Paul has  100,000 individual donors and the President is nearing the 1 million donors  for the year vs. Romney’s  $32 million .  Meanwhile Cain’s 9-9-9 is the major topic of discussion and the pizza CEO leads the investment baker in recent polls.

So far, Romney has made up this deficit by contributions from big-money donors including the founder of Home Depot, Ken Langone.  This sort of wholesale fundraising is especially worrisome because it is consistent with Romney’s inability to break the 30% mark in polls of Republicans.  Put another way, the majority of Republicans WANT a Tea Party candidate, 70% of Republicans seem to want anybody but Romney.

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