UPDATE: TODAY the Republican candidates get quizzed by three inquisitors of the extreme right.

God must hate Romney.  I wonder if he now gets 33 minutes to be grilled?

While huge media attention has been given to the way President Obama backed down so the Repricans could have their debat in California, a more dangerous meeting of these folks is occurring tomorrow night in in South Carolina.

Perry and the other leading candidates will each sit alone onstage for 21 minutes to face questions from Tea Party ideologues,  Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).  Robert George, (chair of  the National Organization for Marriage).

The most feared of the Inquisitors will be Robert George.  George, a Princeton Professor, is expected to  force each of the candidates to articulate, in detail, where they stand on orthodox  social issues of the day, pressing them when their answers are not specific or substantive enough.

quotes from the Huff Post……….Robert George,

“I think we need renewed fidelity to our old principles, and I think they’re all going to agree with that, in theory. They’re all going to agree with that as a statement.”

Politicians are … more comfortable talking about money than they are about fundamental principles of right and wrong,” “They’re more comfortable talking about how to do things efficiently, how to do things rationally, where rationality is a kind of instrumental rationality: turning the economy around, getting new jobs, that kind of thing -– than they are about moral issues that are deeply controversial, that touch people in the heart, not just in the pocketbook.”

“They’re all going to say, ‘Oh yeah, we don’t need new principles, even though we have new challenges — in some ways, unprecedented challenges. ”

“OK, fine. Once we get past that soundbite, what does it mean?”