Sunday Revelations: A Psalm For Use With Tea

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Liberal in Seattle humbly presents Sarah Palin’s Sermon on the Mount:

…And seeing the oddly-garbed, strangely be-hatted multitudes among the Baggers of Tea, Sarah took up a microphone, and, reading from the writ upon the palm of her hand, shouted with a shrillness of voice that shook the heavens:

Blessed are the rich in coin, for theirs is the kingdom of Wall Street.

Blessed are they that cause mourning, for they reap the spoils of victory.

Blessed are the polluters, for they shall inherit what’s left of the earth.

Blessed are the glutinous and greedy who seek only their own prosperity, for they shall be empty of conscience.

Blessed are the vengeful, for they have no need of justice.

Blessed are the heartless, for they have no need of God.

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