Money, is a big problem, even for an Einstein.

EVELYN EINSTEIN, the granddaughter of physicist Albert Einstein, complaining that she hasn’t received anything from the marketing and sales of Einstein merchandise, while others have profited

Evelyn Einstein. adopted grand daughter of Albert, has cancer, lives in a car, and is struggling to make ends meet in California.     Einstein merchandise – tea shirts, comic books, bobble-head dolls, videos, mugs, coins,  … none of it filters to the wizard’s grandaughter.  The bucks go to his beneficiary .. Hebrew University in Israel.   Hebrew U markets Einstein stuff via a Los Angeles-based licensing company called Greenlight LLC.

“I never made any issue of the fact that they were willed the literary estate,” Ms Einstein said this week. “But what does a bobble-head have to do with a literary estate? I was really offended by some of the stuff that was being OK’d.” She added: “I’m outraged. It’s hard for me to believe they would treat the family the way they have.”

Too bad she is adopted!  Otherwise maybe she could sell her genetic code!

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