Archive for July 20th, 2011

July 20th, 2011 - 10:49 am § in America

Ave Challenge: Can you identify this perp?

Can you identify this woman and explain why she went to jail? a. Chairwoman of Republican State Committee, Texas b.Convicted federal tax dodger c. Woman arrested in New York for slapping a panhandler d. Republican candidate for congress from Scarsdale e. Gay Army Nurse, rejoins US Army.[...]

July 20th, 2011 - 10:04 am § in Misc.

Is Higher Education a Campaign Issue?

Letter to Washington legislators as they campaign for new offices, Republicans and Democrats.  You and your colleagues  have voted to address the issue by approving what amounts to a free lunch. In hard times, higher ed could be a great issue .. frankly it is an issue that, if done well, should at[...]

July 20th, 2011 - 10:02 am § in Misc.

Harry Potter’s Last Episode .. Called an Epic!

Great interview: Emma Watson with Letterman.[...]

July 20th, 2011 - 9:06 am § in Misc.

DC HEAT TO 116: Hows that climate change treatin ya?


July 20th, 2011 - 6:34 am § in Misc.

Make Them Teach!

Campus CFO’s Are Right Faculty argue … they need time to read, to think great thoughts and to research great ideas, the dissemination of which advances Western Civilization (or, more politically correct, life on Planet Earth). There are two problems with this. First, a large proportion of ac[...]