Eric Alterman read more at the Nation. The liars and lunatics serve as a smoke screen for the conservative war on the poor and the middle class.[...]
Archive for June, 2011
Adjuncts vs. Full Time Faculty … a way to save $36,000?
June 17, 2011 Inside Higher Ed (excerpted) Fifteen years ago, the faculty union at Green River Community College persuaded administrators to add one new full-time faculty position each year (in 2003, it became two positions per year) in order to better balance the percentages of full-time and part-t[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Soldier fails required spiritual fitness test.
from the Humanist: (excerpted) Fort Hood houses the Spiritual Fitness Center, a facility functioning on the edict that all human beings are comprised of three components: the physical (body), the mental (mind), and the spiritual (soul). These three attributes are interwoven and interdependent, and t[...]
Merkel: Greece needs to cut vacation days to match Germany’s Three weeks.
Merkel Blasts Greece over Retirement Age, Vacation .. from Der Spiegel Getty Images German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday evening that Greece should raise its retirement age and vacation standards to match those in Germany. She added: “We can’t have a common currency where some[...]
Juju Juice Decoded
‘Juju Juice’ to go to Nairobi for Testing from Freethought Kampala, by James Onen On November 6th 2010 I witnessed an attempt by a witchdoctor to try to catch a car thief. I posted a detailed account of what I witnessed, in which I also narrated how I was able to retrieve a sample of a [&hell[...]
Why the Seattle Schools Are So Lousy
Publicola reports on contremps about School District endorsements at the 36th District Democrats (Ballard, Greenwood, Phinney Ridge, Fremont, Queen Anne, Magnolia, and Belltown) Former KUOW weather man Cliff Mass supports the challengers in the stormy school board races. The incumbents are Peter Mai[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Anthony Wiener Gets a Job Offer
Mr. Weiner: After having learned of your sudden and compelled resignation from your Congressional post, I would like to make you an offer of employment at Flynt Management Group, LLC in our Internet group. As a Congressman, you are known for your intensity and perseverance. I believe that this attit[...]
Using Inteligent Design To Save Billions of Federal Dollars
New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) – Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann explained her skepticism of evolution on Friday and said students should be taught the theory of intelligent design. Bachmann, a congresswoman from Minnesota, also proposed a major overhaul of the nation’s educatio[...]
Jews From Africa
Published: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 – 16:36 in Paleontology & Archaeology PLoS Genetics, David Reich and his colleagues at Harvard School of Public Health, show a common sub Saharan ori9gin for both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.[...]
FRANK BRUNI extols Seattle Food, calls it cuisine.
Frank Bruni, former NY Times arbiter of dining: To eat in and around Seattle, which I did recently and recommend heartily, isn’t merely to eat well. It is to experience something that even many larger, more gastronomically celebrated cities and regions can’t offer, not to this degree: a profound[...]