N’Awlins Food on Leary Way!

What a surprise!

What the hell does “LE BON TON ROULÉ” mean???????????

Here are some possible answers from the Intertubes

Let the good times roll (cajun) Laissez les bons temps rouler

The Bon Ton rolls (Google tranlsation from French)

Le Bon Ton ROULÈ is a cigar company in Fort Worth

Bon Ton Rouler an Irish  rock band

Bon Ton Roulet is a bicycling tour of the Finger Lakes area of New York State.

Anyhow between the odd Franglais, and the local .. I couldn’t figure out what this place was.  Some pretentious effort another French restaurant avec a bar?

Yesterday went in … quelle surpris!  super!

N’Awins food and it tastes REAL!

We has a great quiche with alligator abdouille, jambalaya, etoufeé!

This is a big deal for us  We both love N’Awlins food but most efforts at replicating New Oeleans in Seattle fall flat … poor spices, crummy bread, gak!

The one exception?  … we used to have a Norwegian guy, Terry Burkwalter, who had a restaurant called “Burk’s.”  Burks was miracle born out of some strange chomosomal defect in Burkwalter’s genome. The food, he claimed, came from a cookbook!  So where did Adam Pomerleaux come from?  Los Angeles ??????? Nahhh .. I can not believe it!

We will be back!

Here are some others’ comments.

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