BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft and Boeing donate $5 million/yr for five years to offset cuts to higher ed.

Read more at the Seattle Times

50 million over 5 years?” $50,000,000  per year would be very impressive, even if limitted to five years.  A long term commitment or gift to endowments would be impressive.  A one time gift of $5 million/yr for five years  is chump change.

The bigger issue here ought to be the Times itself.

Rather than repackaging press releases, you would think the Times .. assuming it still is a “news” paper, would provide some investigative reporting into the role of Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing .. and their executives .. in Washington’s politics.

Here are some simple questions:

1. How much tax does each of these pay?
2. What proportion of their employees come from WA state?
3. What do they spend on lobbying in Olympia?
4. Given our “part time” legislature, how many representatives and senators are supported by employment or by a spouse’s employment by these corporations?   or by law firms, subcontractors, etc?
5. A number of state business organizations have been outspoken in opposition to higher ed, What role does each of these corporations play in these organizations?

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