Harvard Accepts Record Low 6.2 Percent of Applicants to the Class of 2015

By Justin C. Worland , Harvard Crimson

Harvard rejection letters were mailed Wednesday to 32,792 applicants, who were selected from a pool of 34,950—the largest number of applicants ever.  Stanford, came in a close second, with 31921 rejection letters.  If you have not yet received your letter, do not worry.  Rejection letters from both reddish schools are still being written since each letter will include condolences and application forms to appropriate alternatives including Yale, Oxford and Yale’s new Singapore campus. Students who seem more likely to do well in a vocational school are encouraged to apply to MIT or the University of Phoenix.

Advice on the qualities needed top be rejected can be obtained here.

Please note, accompanying photograph is not intended to imply that Harvard or Stanford’s selection processes are subject to various forms of seduction by applicants wearing diaphanous red veils.


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