By noon, the Capitol steps at Olympia were completely filled with protesters bearing signs and banners. There were a few large unions that were not represented, but the ranks were swelled by members of most of the large ones: AFT, AFSCME, SEIU, SPEIA, UFCW, OPEIU, and the Teamsters. Progressive organizations including MoveOn, Fuse-WA, US Uncut, and the homeless newspaper Real Change. Estimates of the crowd size were from 2,000 – 3,000 persons.

Speakers at the Olympia Labor Rally in Solidarity with Wisconsin, 3/17/11 - copyright 2011 by Larry Neilson
Brief speeches from several union brothers and sisters as well as the leadership spotlighted the many issues confronting working people and the relentless financial pressures on them: pressures of rising costs on the one hand, and reduced hours and benefit concessions on the other. After and introduction by Lynne Dodson and other labor leaders, the delegation members onstage delivered petitions supporting the right to organize and other workers rights to our legislators inside the Capitol.

Wheel of Fortune and Constitution installation by Backbone Campaign, 3/17/11 - copyright 2011 by Larry Neilson
Vashon Island-based Backbone Campaign contributed a large tableau of liberty and its shredding on the steps fo the Temple of Justice, directly opposite the protesters lined on the steps. While looking over this disturbing panorama with two Vannas, they chanted and responded with spirited applause (and boos) when appropriate. When the delegation departed to take the documents in, the protesters outside formed into a column and marched around the Capitol campus to more antiphonal chants.
I did not join in these festivities because I had come down to Olympia to sell signs featuring some of my slogans. I cannot report on the march other than it had good energy and dignity to it. I can report that I did a brisk business in protest sign sales. Perhaps we can tell something about the spirit of the times by looking at what sold. F– USE-WA asked for signs on the theme of investing in America and Defending the American Dream (or was it Preserving Our Future? I go to so many of these rallies it’s hard to keep them all straight). I did do a few of these out of duty, but also produced several designs that gave vent to my own more snarky point of view. Things like “Class Warfare? Damn Right, We’ll Fight!”. “Revolt!”, and a nasty caricature of Walker, “Things Go Better with Koch (NOT!)”. I now have the distinct pleasure to report that the snarky messages outsold all the others 3-to-1. “Class Warfare” was the hands-down favorite. I could have sold another dozen of them if I’d had them. I’m pleased to know the signs are out there in the protest stream where their messages will be heard over and over again, until we win.
Once again, the faithful followers of Lyndon Larouche were present to tout their program of impeachment, restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act, and massive reindustrialization, including a huge expansion in nuclear power — just a hair out of touch, you reckon? That’s the meaning of the “Smash the Solar Panels” slogan above.
When the protest was over, my traveling companion and I hung out for a while with some MoveOn folks from Sequim and Pt. Townsend, who had come over with an AFT delegation from the Peninsula. AFT had several extra box lunches which they shared with us. Then we were invited to continue protesting with a small action by the youthful members of US Uncut, many of them Evergreen State students, and several sisters from SEIU.
This was a small but lively protest, with perhaps 20 people. There was syncopated chanting with two African drums accompanying; chants of “Pay your taxes! Pay your taxes!” aimed at the windows of the bank, and marching up and down the picket line. Then we walked about for about half a mile to do a brief errand at Media Island. It was a satisfying way to wind down a good day’s protest.
A complete photo album of the day’s doin’s may be seen on my Facebook site.
— Larry Neilson