GOP Chair Kirby Wilbur, a Tea Party putsch?

Democrats Should Not Underestimate New GOP Chair Kirby Wilbur

from publicola

By Michael Hood, Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM

PubliCola asked talk radio watchdog Michael Hood, who blogs at Blatherwatch, to interview the new GOP state chair—and former KVI talk jock—Kirby Wilbur. Wilbur said he’d give Hood 10 minutes, but true to form, Wilbur talked for nearly an hour. —Eds.

He was tea-party before the Tea-Party was cool. He earned his patriot cred after causing a ruckus in Westlake Park in 1994, organizing a rally that now looks like it could have happened in the fateful “Obamacare” summer of 2009.

One hot July day in ’94, Kirby Wilbur and and a large contingent of his KVI radio listeners shouted down, booed, and embarrassed First Lady Hillary Clinton, who was in town stumping for health care reform. ( Must watch 1994 video here). Wilbur’s KVI protest is said to have helped change the political trajectory for Clinton’s ultimately ill-fated plan.

It was carried on world wide news. “We thought we’d be lucky to get 100 people,” says Wilbur.  More than 1000 showed, representing a wider-than-usual swath of the right: The Libertarian Party got members out, as did the College Republicans, and the [Ross] Perotistas, who were still intact at the time.

He’s homey as a biscuit, a church elder, an NRA member, and he has a radio voice like Kermit the Frog. It’s hard to dislike him; harder yet finding anyone who does.   read more.

Michael Hood is a freelancer who owns and operates BlatherWatch, which has blogged talk media news and politics since 2005

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  1. Dr.Neuron #

    In Hillary Clinton’s book “Living History” she tells about this event. She was on as nationwide tour and talked in many cities without a major incident. She came to Seattle and felt that her life was in danger. It was the first and only time this happened during her entire tenure as First lady.

    I really recommend her book. Among other interesting things, she chronicles the Far Right’s actions during the time of the Clinton administration. She does not mention the Seattle incident as one of those actions—just as a palpable threat.

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