Republican Proposes Tax Magic!

Gov. Walker, Wisconsin R


The mess in Wisconsin illustrates two things …  The media are either superficial or they are biased against democracy.  They know that the mess in Wisconsin has nothing to do with closing a budget gap.  Governor Walker has created this mess by turning a budget crisis into an excuse for destroying a fundamental American freedom, the right to form a union.

Unless Walker is utterly stupid, he knows that his reforms will not solve the budget issue.  He knows that his legislation goes far beyond the current budget.  He wants to destroy the fundamental right of Americans to organize. Walker is either a lier or a Manchurian candidate, an agent of a class of people who have no interest in American welfare.

Capitalism comes in two forms pure and impure.  Pure capitalism, the Ayn Rand kind, will send capital to places where profits are are rising the quickest.   That means China and any other competitors that achieve any means .. political stability.  Capitalism has no commitment to democracy or to any country. Impure?  That is what we have had since Roosevelt.  The rest of the world calls this mixture of capitalism and democracy “social democracy.” In a social democracy … France, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Korea, .. the democratic government invests in ITS society to make that society an effective competitor. The evidence for this is clear … the social democracies are coming out of the Great Recession rather well while the USA is foundering. Social democracy requires freedom of workers to organize, without that wealth will be taken from America by investors with no reason to spend their dollars (or yuan) here.

The party of Pinocchio lies when it pretends that we can get out of our crisis without the government investing in OUR society.  Paying for those investments .. better schools, transportation, health care,  is NECESSARY to compete for capital.  We need an effective, fair tax system and can only get to that goal when workers have their right to organize .

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  1. 1

    I’d say we’re floundering … not yet foundering.

    Of all the leading socialized democracies, the U.S. was one of the least socialized (no socialized medicine, etc.), but it has led the charge to neocon or “neo-liberal” policies of chipping away at regulation bit by bit. The result became painfully evident with the 2000 election, and the pain became even more widespread with the Crash of 2008.

    I have always been a fan of Pinocchio — as a cautionary tale.