National Privatized Radio (c) NPR 2011

Michael Hood at Blatherwatch writes about the right wing effort to defund NPR.

While NPR itself now only receives 2% of its funding from Congress, the real danger may well be to KUOW and the other locaL affiliates.  The local stations get about 10% of their budgets from Congress. That is only $90 million, but its the seed money needed to put the “public” into public radio.  History of NPR

The weirdest part of this is that Roger Ailes and his Fox network operation have now fulfilled Lenin’s vision that the “bourgeois” free press would be taken over by corporate powers, eliminating anything “free” from the press.    Ailes and his crew at Fox have virtually cut a 1/3 of America off from any agitpro other than their own.

Here is an example of the Goebbels-like broadcasts on Fox:

Glenn Beck “If I said to Fareed Zakaria, ‘Fareed, I’m not going to kill you, but I support the people who do want to kill you,’ am I a problem, Fareed? Yes! Yes, I would be a problem! If you said to somebody, ‘Hey Glenn, I’m not going to kill you myself, but man… I don’t have any problem with anybody who wants to take their bare hands and snap your neck’–excuse me?”

The closest thing on our airways today to a free press is .. NPR.   read more at Blatherwatch.

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