Who was Jesus? Tags!

Jesus on tghe phoneAssuming Jesus existed and that the question means his message as opposed to the messages of Paul or Constantine, history offers a fee facts:

  • The Jesus story is set in the middle of a fight by the Jews and the Roman occupation. The Jews; fight at over how to resist the Roman occupation. Jesus was part of that fight. probably as a lay follower of the Pharisees who advocated passive resistance.
  • Jesus was not poor.  He and his family were members of the artisan class, more or less what passed then as a middle class,  He made his money as a stone worker building new Roman cities.
  • He was not a rabbi. The rabbinate did not exist yet and when it did it required a formal apprenticeship. Interestingly Paul claims he, Paul,  had this rabbinic authority,  If Jesus had this the Christians seem to have erased the story..
  • In tha era there were militants advocating violent resistance to the Romans.  They are now called the zealots.  Jesus was not a militant and preached collaboration, the message of the Pharisees under their leader Hillel.  “Give unto the Romans” was away of stating collaboration, a meme that would get a Palestinian today killed by his zealots.
  • Jesus was not opposed to the wealth of his class.  Note he says nothing about slavery and never gave of his own property to others. His followers ere middle class like himself and also never give to the poor.
  • Jesus message fell on deaf ears. While there is no convincing record of Jesus’ existence, there is a lot about the groups who resisted and then fought the Romans. Christians are not mentioned.READMORE ABOUT JESUS ON TA

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