Posts Tagged ‘Police’

January 5th, 2015 - 11:07 pm § in Hypocrisy

If You Want Respect, Give Respect


January 2nd, 2015 - 2:41 pm § in America

The cops didn’t shoot this guy

This guy spit on a NYPD cop, but he wasn’t shot, choked, or tased. Instead, he was released on $5,000 bail even though he’s an Army deserter. Whit[...]

December 22nd, 2014 - 10:17 am § in Misc.

Should NY cops who disrespected Mayor de Blasio be reprimanded?

Yes. On Saturday, after two New York police officers were ambushed and slain by a deranged ex-felon and prison gang member, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio met privately with the officers’ families, and also went to the hospital where the officers were taken after being shot. As he arrived, a nu[...]

December 21st, 2014 - 3:29 pm § in America

A Wise Man Speaks Out

 Eric Adams: New Yorker, A Black Man, A Politician, and A Former Cop Stop the  protests  BED-STUY, Brooklyn (PIX11) – Speaking at a makeshift memorial at the scene where two NYPD officers were assassinated, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams for Eric Garner protesters to hold off on future[...]

October 14th, 2014 - 7:18 pm § in Uncategorized

Cop Union Official Calls Ferguson Protesters ‘Agitators’

A St. Louis County police union official has labeled people protesting the Michael Brown shooting as “agitators.” “We saw in the wake of the Michael Brown Ferguson shooting that there was a public outcry fueled largely by agitators,” Jeff Roorda, business manager for the St. [...]

October 12th, 2014 - 12:46 am § in America

Judge Frees Woman Sent To Prison By Sloppy Detective Work, Clueless Prosecutor, And Lying Informer

A California judge has freed a woman imprisoned 17 years for her ex-boyfriend’s 1997 murder. Deidre O’Connor, an attorney who advocates for wrongly convicted people, says Susan Mellen, 59, was convicted “solely on the testimony of a notorious liar.” We should find that troubl[...]

September 28th, 2014 - 10:19 pm § in America

South Carolina: Cop Shoots Man for Seatbelt Violation

South Carolina state trooper Sean Groubert asked Levar Jones, an unarmed black man, for his license. When Jones reached for the very thing the officer asked for, Groubert opened fire on him.[...]

October 28th, 2013 - 12:56 pm § in Hypocrisy, Politics, The Ave Scene

Why are you scared of me?

White America fears African American males.  The fear was evident during the Trayvon Martin case.  Its evident every time a black male is pulled over by police for no reason other than being black.  Many white Americans agreed with Zimmermans reasoning for stalking and killing a young  black kid[...]

September 23rd, 2013 - 9:34 pm § in Misc.

Is that a cop’s job?

Do Cops in Wealthy NY Suburbs Get Paid to Make Intimidating Phone Calls ? I have long been accustomed to threatening letters from lawyers, but a threatening call from a cop was something quite new: Sunday afternoon I was watching a documentary about Nat Turner and the slave rebellion of 1831 when I [...]