Posts Tagged ‘antisemitism’

December 3rd, 2015 - 10:11 am § in Israel/Palestine, Jews, Misc.

“Death to America, death to Israel, damnation to the Jews.”

Jewish Lives Do Not Matter in Yemen Yemeni Jews, like those in other Arab countries, have suffered wave after wave of persecution. The Houthis, whose base is in Saada, embedded that attitude in their slogan, “Death to America, death to Israel, damnation to the Jews.” “About all that remain of [...]

December 2nd, 2015 - 9:49 am § in Misc.

ISIS WINS: Paris Outlaws Hanukkah

ISIS Wins! Paris Orders Jews to Cancel Public Hanukkah Celebrations – The Gateway Pundit Paris police ordered Jews to cancel their public Hanukkah celebrations this year following the ISIS Paris attacks. The Times of … WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM|BY JIM HOFT[...]

November 20th, 2015 - 8:40 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Jews

A Southern White Talks About Jews

How One  Southerner Sees Jews From A Redneck’s Guide To Reversing Their Control Of Your Brain: I’ve mentioned several times here that I don’t know many Jews. This is from a person who has worked decades in the public and have met thousands and thousands of people over time. If I have met [...]

November 16th, 2015 - 5:02 pm § in Jews, Misc.

Goyem …  The Y word the goyem use is a vulgar insult to all Jews.

Rivka Bockman FACEBOOK writes  “It is very confusing to read,”the LORD” when those two words are not even in the actual Hebrew sentence being read!  When most people read that in the English, or whatever translation they are using, they are programed to think of a different [...]

November 7th, 2015 - 11:22 pm § in Jews, Misc.

After 3000 Years, Syria Becomes Free of Jews

Over 3000 years ago, Jews were settled in Syria.  Now, the last Syrian Jews have now been evacuated by a very secret operation in Halav (Aleppo). They were brought home to Israel and now live in Ashkelon. As of now, there are no more (known) Jews living in Syria. While we welcome them to Israel, t[...]

October 29th, 2015 - 3:13 pm § in Israel/Palestine, Misc.

Pope Francis condemns Sawant’s policies as antisemitic.

Sawant and her supporters seem to grab on to every  “liberal”cause .. without a concern as to the cause being a good cause or a very bad one. Notably, she dissed the Vietnamese community for wanting to fly the old Vietnamese flag .. you know the one that was evil?  In the same spirit,[...]

October 27th, 2015 - 2:41 pm § in Israel/Palestine, Misc.

A Pogrom Against Jews: 1929 in Palestine

Mirel Goldenberg “In 1929, when Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, told his followers that Jews were preparing to take over the Al-Aqsa Mosque, anti-Jewish riots erupted across Palestine that became known as the 1929 Palestine riots. The Safed riot was part of this wave o[...]

October 1st, 2015 - 11:08 am § in Misc.

 CENSORED UPDATE: The earlier post was censored at FB apparently because the caricature used the N word.  This is a repost to FB with the N word and the caricatures of a Black and a Jewish man whited out.  If you click on the censored image, it will take you to the post with the […][...]

October 1st, 2015 - 9:04 am § in Jews, Misc.

A Delusional Essay About American Antisemitism

  To be blunt,  a large part of Obama’s ideas are Jewish and these ideas are precisely why the President and I find Bibi to be a disgusting Jew An Israeli friend of mine, a friend who sees the Israeli turn to the far right as inevitable, sent me a depressing essay from the Tablet. […][...]

October 1st, 2015 - 8:06 am § in Israel/Palestine, Misc.

Origins of the Conflict In Israel/Palestine

October 1, 1917,  Ottoman soldiers surrounded the Jewish village of Zichron Yaakov. Their goal was to arrest Jews working to  to help the British take over Ottoman Palestine. The captured Jews were  jailed and tortured.  The Ottoman Kamikam (governor) threatened to do to the Jews what was done t[...]