Posts Tagged ‘academe’

May 21st, 2012 - 10:58 am § in Schools & Colleges

How to Fire Professors

from Inside Higher Education: On July 19, 2009, Edward T. Larkin, a professor of German at the University of New Hampshire, drove his motorcycle down Route 101 to the Market Basket in Milford. He pulled into the parking lot behind a car in which a 17-year-old girl was driving her mother. Larkin park[...]

May 5th, 2012 - 12:51 am § in Schools & Colleges

Bribes Needed to Get College Education

Photo: Reuters Students of the University of Ibadan check their graduation gowns at their campus in Ibadan, south west Nigeria (2006 file photo). In Nigeria, about a million students pass the college-entrance qualifying exam every year, but most never attend a college class.  Nigerian universities [...]

May 1st, 2012 - 12:37 am § in Hypocrisy

Notre Dame makes bid to go public

While states are effectively privatizing their universities, tradionally private schools may go the other way. The President of Notre Dame said “Moving to a competitive, government-funded environment would make the Catholic school more competitive for the best students.” “We are ex[...]

March 14th, 2012 - 10:11 am § in UW

UW Rankings: UW Med Ranks at the top of BOTH Research and Primary Care!

Somebody should share this with Jim McDermott Our Congressman continues, as far as I know, to be utterly unaware of the prominence of the UW …. By KING 5 News U.S. News & World Report has ranked several University of Washington[...]

March 5th, 2012 - 1:06 pm § in Misc., UW

A CPA Looks at the UW Athletic Department

I attended last Saturday’s Republican caucus to support Rick Santorum.  As a follower of Jefferson, I believe wer need two real parties.  It time the Republican Party run an hoest candidate.   I will write more about this later …now I want to discuss the Huskies. At that SaturdayR[...]

February 27th, 2012 - 7:24 pm § in Schools & Colleges

Unions vs Teacher: Who is the bad guy?

Who Breaks a Butterfly Upon a Wheel by Bill Lyne An Open Letter to Nick Hanauer Our friends over at Publicola have recently been hosting a rousing debate between big bucks Democrat Nick Hanauer and WEA President Mary Lindquist on teachers’ unions and K-12 schools.  Here at the blog, we have a har[...]

January 22nd, 2012 - 11:13 pm § in Politics, Schools & Colleges, Science, UW

IRB Extremism

Institutional Review Boards Overstepping Their Roles  … from Gwendolyn Bradley The AAUP recently submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services in response to proposed new rule making on institutional review boards, the campus bodies that oversee research on human subjects[...]

November 27th, 2011 - 2:53 pm § in UW

Berkeley Blog: Are Faculty Joining the 99% Movement?

There’s something happening here… “I plan to be at the meeting tomorrow, one of the very few Academic Senate meetings I will have attended in my 17+ years as a faculty member here. I am not proud of not attending Senate meetings. I have good reasons why I often could not: they tend (like t[...]

November 21st, 2011 - 6:42 pm § in The Ave Scene, UW

Ana Mari Cauce .. new UW Provost

Ana Mari Cauce is. among more important things, the author of the title of this site .. “The AVE” was her idea.   I remember Ana Mari suggesting that we use a name that combines the idea of a physical place, “The Ave,” with the idea of a venue for public discussion! That sp[...]

November 14th, 2011 - 9:48 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Schools & Colleges

Accreditation of Online “Universities” a hot potato

  Based on a  a truly frightening article The Chronicle of Higher Education WGU may want to worry about its accreditation. Congress has gotten involved in accrediting online colleges.  The motivation in Congress is that “for-profit” companies  rake in federal financial aid withou[...]