This article is liberal commentary. Probably not. It’s a lovely idea, but human beings have never gotten along, and probably never will. We’re more likely to eventually blow ourselves up. People don’t want to get along. We’ve sorted ourselves into tribes, and people want to f[...]
Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category
Can we all get along?
Should the Catholic Church dictate public school curriculum?
This article contains news and liberal commentary. Washington enacted a law in 2020 mandating comprehensive sex education in public schools. Its purpose is “to protect young people from sexual abuse, diseases and infections.” Huffington Post described the sex ed curriculum as follows: [...]
Defiant pastor caves to health rules
This article contains news with liberal commentary. A California preacher whose church incurred $112,500 of fines because he defied restrictions on indoor gatherings finally decided “after a great deal of prayer, fasting and counsel” to move services outdoors as county health officials demanded.[...]
The Unofficial 2020 GOP Platform
The GOP hasn’t released a platform (in case you didn’t notice), but that doesn’t mean they don’t have one. They simply don’t want you to see it. So, here’s an unofficial version from David Frum (photo), a conservative Republican and former Bush speechwriter, extra[...]
Jerry Falwell Jr. is in hot water
Speaking of heat (see preceding article), Jerry Falwell Jr. is taking plenty of it for the photo below, which he posted on social media. Falwell (who is married, at least for now) is taking “indefinite” leave from his job as president of Liberty University, a conservative evangelical col[...]
SUNDAY REVELATION: The New Revelations Via Facebook
Over on FB, a friend of mine, a religious man and a reformed Mormon, seem to be giving us a new word of God. though Peter is very modest about making the claim of authorship by the divine. Stephen Schwartz If a fertilized egg has a soul and the egg is aborted, does the soul […][...]
A Christian FB friend keeps posting that all discussions need to start with the accepted facts that Jesus existed, was the messiah, died, was resurrected and He is the Son of God. As an Atheist, a Jew, and a Human very close to the true Deity, let me correct you about the facts. Jesus was [&hellip[...]
‘True Christians do not mind dying,’ defiant pastor says
A Louisiana preacher cited by police 6 times for ignoring a state ban on large gatherings is shrugging off criticism that he’s endangering his flock. “True Christians do not mind dying,” he said in an interview. He’s called stay-at-home orders “tyranny,” and sends[...]
Should we have a Forced Pregnancy Law?
So the Trumpies believe in forced pregnancy? If a woman is impregnated, does she now have to give birth? Who pays for this? Is she like a prisoner? Does the father now have legal responsibility for the baby? Does he have a choice if the mother does not want it? Does she pay her for […][...]
GOP Celebrates Victory Over Jacobism