BLACK LIVES MATTER: A FB Dialogue on Christian Guilt vs White Guilt

Stephen Schwartz

Stephen Schwartz As a non Christian, I find it offensive that my skin color somehow means I am to blame for what Christians did. That is not to say that there were not bad Jews as well as good Jews but we too suffered hugely from the invention of racism, a Christian idea that was  not our invention.

I will go one step further, I side with the BLM folks in believing that racism is an American problem. We can not solve the problem either by denying the “special” status of being black here or by allowing race to be a criterion for escaping responsibility.

 So, of course black lives matter but white guilt is not the answer.

Anyhow, if you need more epithets for “white” I have made a collection...

Why I prefer the term “honkey” to “white” or “caucasian.” I am Jewish.  My DNA traces back to Cro Magnon, the…
Jim Page
Jim Page It wasn’t just Christians. Many of them worked on the underground railroad to get the runaway slaves to safety. Many of then sheltered Central American political refugees in the churches during the 80s and 90s. As I understand it, racism is a tool of class manipulation – it’s a strand-in for something else. Yes, racism is an American problem, but it’s not *just* an American problem. I’ve never heard BLM say that it is, but if they did they’re wrong.

Stephen Schwartz

Stephen Schwartz I was not referring just to slavery in the American south. I was referring to the central tenet that MADE CHATTEL SLAVERY POSSIBLE .. THE IDEA THAT BLACK PEOPLE WERE NT HUMAN.

That is a uniquely Christian concept.

As for the truth that some Christians were against slavery, of course that is true. But that argument applies to “whites” even more.

As a non Christian what I find disgusting is Christianity’s infinite capacity to forgive its own sins. Blaming those sins on “whites” .. many of whom came from cultures that never were slavers is a way of diluting Christian guilt and .. worse yet .. avoiding responsibility.

Jim Page

Jim Page Every self serving world view forgives itself, what else is new. You really hate Christians, don’t you.

Stephen Schwartz Stephen Schwartz No. That is like my asking you do you hate white people?

Cesar Chavez, Jimmy Carter, FDR, Eleanor Roosevelt, ML King, Pope Francis, St. Francis, Michelangelo, Angela Merkel, Abe Lincoln, Goethe, Moliere…..
They too were inspired by this religion. And they were “white.” 

Socialism, Marxism, Democracy, Quakerism, the free market, Confucius  … these too were self serving and, depending on your definition,  might be called religions.  If  these ideologies escape responsibility how can they learn from their mistakes?

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