With Kingdome Paid Off, what to do with $20 Million?


Remember the Kingdome?

Well we have been paying it off until last January  … or our visitors have.  The  hotel and motel taxes in King County went to pay the debt not just for building the big wart but for the repairs when the ceiling tiles fell down.

Now the debt is paid, what should we do with $20 million a year?  Of course … pay for arts grants, for such local needy groups as the Seattle Opera.

According to KUOW, Seattle Opera board president Maryanne Tagney says arts groups are excited to dive into a contest for $20 million in King County grants.  Ms. Tagney explained that arts groups have been anticipating this funding opportunity and many just have to hit “send” on their applications.  The needy organization is seeking funds to help build a new office and scene shop.

(Did you know you can buy tickets to  the Seattle Opera for $25?  The minimal price for the Seahawks in $62 … (both are in the stratospheric seating section))


Seems sad that we could not just take the $20 million and apply it to buying some great LOCAL art for the new waterfront park.

The grant awards will be announced later this fall.

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