The New Antisemitism


It was an electrifying moment: in a voice crackling with anger and pain, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls denounced the rise of antisemitism in France before the country’s National Assembly yesterday, pointedly observing, “We haven’t shown enough outrage.” Algemeiner Zeitung

Mirel Goldberg, FACEBOOK We must make the true diagnosis: there’s an anti-Semitism people call historical, going back many centuries, but above all there’s this new anti-Semitism born in our neighbourhoods against the backdrop of the Internet, satellite dishes, abject poverty and hatred of the State of Israel, advocating hatred of the Jew and of all Jews. We must say this! We must utter the words to combat this unacceptable anti-Semitism.

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  1. 1

    I keep being told of the existence and I do see it surfing the news in 5 languages ( was an interrogator/translator) What I have never understood is: “What is the basis? Convenient scapegoat for 2,000 years. Good press from Egypt after the Exodus? WWWHHHHHHaaaatttt? Is it only the money? I wish someone would put past….WWII….and present into one article…THAT WASN’T BIASED left right or center or Pro/Israeli or Pro – Palestinian JUST THE FACTS PLEASE. Yoda007