SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Christian antisemitism

ST PAUL ICONOver at HorsesAss, a commentator states:


If you love ANYTHING more than God you are placing an idol in front of God. To sum it up for the HA DUMMOCRETIN God hating morons here… Love God first and He’ll give you all things including that love of your family.

SMS replies:

Yes, and that includes putting Jesus or any other personal vision above God. How is Jesus worship not idolatry?


Now Puddy isn’t discussing prosperity theology like that from Joel Osteen. That’s not in the Bible. Otherwise the remaining 11 disciples would have been richer than the 71 Sanhedrin and the other 5929 Pharisees! Why did Jesus tell them to forsake all others and follow Him.

SMS replies:

Lets start with the fact that YOU are being an anti-Semite here. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and their successors, the authors of your bible, had a problem. How could they justify their actions other than shifting blame from Rome to the Pharisees?

You also know that all scholars, including the most devout of Christians, accept that Jesus WAS a lay Pharisee!  The Pharisees were the rebels who preached resitance to the Romans by adherence to Jewish law, rather than by the violence that led to the Jewish Wars or by working for the Romans as was true of the Priests.

This horrible version of history has KILLED millions of people. It is a heresy and you should be ashamed for repeating it.

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