Anti Semitism in Europe


The NY Times reports that Right Wing’s Surge in Europe Has the Establishment Rattled

EXCERPT:  Mikkel Dencker of the Danish People’s Party has found yet another cause to stir public anger: pork meatballs missing from kindergartens.    <Dencker> hopes, mayor of this commuter-belt town west of Copenhagen, Mr. Dencker is furious that some day care centers have removed meatballs, a staple of traditional Danish cuisine, from their cafeterias in deference to Islamic dietary rules. No matter that only a handful of kindergartens have actually done so. The missing meatballs, he said, are an example of how “Denmark is losing its identity” under pressure from outsiders.

A neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn has promoted openly racist beliefs <in Greece> , … in Hungary, where the far-right Jobbik party backs a brand of ethnic nationalism suffused with anti-Semitism. <In France the> National Front promotes traditional right-wing causes like law and order and tight controls on immigration.

but reads in parts like a leftist manifesto. It accuses “big bosses” of promoting open borders so they can import cheap labor to drive down wages. It rails against globalization as a threat to French language and culture, and it opposes any rise in the retirement age or cuts in pensions.       ,, in  the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, the anti-Islam leader of the Party for Freedom, has mixed attacks on immigration with promises to defend welfare entitlements. “He is the only one who says we don’t have to cut anything,” said Chris Aalberts, a scholar at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and author of a book based on interviews with Mr. Wilders’s supporters. “This is a popular message.”

I am bothered by the use of “Palestine” to refer to the land of Israel and Palestine. The term was first used as an official name for a state or province to by the Romans to signify the death of the State of Israel, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt. They combined Iudaea Province,Galilee and other surrounding cities such as Ashkelon to form “Syria Palaestina” (Syria Palaestina),
The only nation ever to cliam the name Palestine, until today was the crusader nation.

I am bothered by the use of "Palestine" to refer to the land of Israel and Palestine.  The term was first used as an official name for a state or province  to by the Romans to signify the death of the State of Israel, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt.  They combined Iudaea Province,Galilee and other surrounding cities such as Ashkelon to form "Syria Palaestina" (Syria Palaestina),  The only nation ever to cliam the name Palestine, until today was the crusader nation.I guess I can paraphrase Martin Niemuller … first they cam from the Jews, then they were shamed by what they had done so next they rurned on the Turks, Roma ,, and of course the Jews.

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