UPDATE: Itsss Baaaaack!

HorsesAss is down!  I went there this AM for my Sunday Bible reading and the site is down?

For those of you who do not know, HA has been Seattle’s premiere political website.  Funded by David Goldstein as a protests against local right wing political profiteer, Time Eyman, David’s site became the focus of Seattle’s politics.

David left HA in pursuit of a living (sort of) wage at the Stranger.  HA continued under a team of his acolytes.

Now it is down.  Why?  … technical failure, unpaid bills, hack attack, boredom by acolytes ??????

Time will tell, in the meantime you can go to David’s posts at the Stranger’s blog, SLOG.

In the meantime, over at HA, God has a post:

Is Judea the Stranger?

This is amongst the Prophet Gold’s greatest literary sayings.

Then he posts a citation form Ezekiel about a woman who began as a whore in Egypt … an obvious allegorical reference to the Prophets time with Tim Eyman.  Then the whore moves to Judea where the practice of her trade has a different meaning?

The double entendre here goes further.  If what was whoredome in Egypt became prophecy, then has the time come for Seattle to legalize prostitution?

Seattle style, this would not mean just recognizing the Stranger is entitles to advertise the trade or that Aurora is a synonym for Sodom and Gomorrah.  Just as the Prophet learned in moving to a legitimate newspaper, he is telling us that Seattle should celebrate its prostitutes.

As the Deity, I endorse the Stranger’s new program to promote paid love:

1. Hotels that do not want to permit paid fornication should be required to have signs saying that they permit sex between unmarried people. Unmarried sex in any hotel without a sign would incur fines of $1000 per act against the hotel. Fees would be paid to the Seattle Office of Urban Trades.

2. Professional love providers, like taxi drivers, will be given medallions.  These medallions will be auctioned annually by the city. Employees of medallion owners would be required to have annual exam9inations to assure they they have appropriate technical skills.  Quarterly inspections for health would also be required.  Fees would be paid to the Seattle Office of Urban Trades.

3. Fees from the Seattle Office of Urban Trades would be used to decrease rental monthly fees in podment hotels. .

4. Podment Hotels would be required to provide at least bedroom in each podment complex large enough to hold a queen sized bed and to set off at least 5% of their podment to be licensed for use by the Seattle Office of Urban Trades.

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