I can’t prove J. D. Vance kidnaps and eats cats

Nor does he have any evidence that Haitian immigrants kidnap and eat cats, but that doesn’t keep him from saying they do (see story here).

Why is he doing it? Huffington Post said (here) that “it appears Vance was responding to a collection of rumors and baseless internet posts related to immigrants living in Ohio — all breathlessly amplified by Trump-aligned social media accounts.”

One of those rumors originated from an “unnamed poster’s neighbor’s daughter’s friend” (see tweet here). C’mon, people, this is grade-school stuff.

Is U.S. Senator Ted Cruz retweeting this racist dog cat whistle? You bet he is, see story here and his tweet here.

Look, folks, if you’ve been voting for Republicans, we need to have a conversation. War and peace, national defense, foreign relations, the economy and economic policy, Social Security and Medicare, health care, and education are all serious matters.

These things affect all of us, and we don’t need childish buffoons making those decisions. If they won’t grow up, then Republican voters need to, for the sake of the country and their own interests.

Photo below: This is what a “childless cat lady” looks like

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