Nikki Haley, Confederate sympathizer

Do you want someone steeped in Confederate culture to be president?

Now that she’s running for the top job, she’s singing a different tune; but when she was South Carolina’s governor, Nikki Haley didn’t hesitate to pander to “Southern tradition.” I’ll explain below what that means.

On her voter registration, she marked her race as “white” (see story here); she’s Eastern Indian. For years, she let the Confederate flag fly at the state capitol, claiming it represents “service, sacrifice, and heritage” (see story here), “until a massacre” of black churchgoers forced her to take it down (see story here).

She “defended states’ rights to secede from the United States, South Carolina Confederate History Month, and the Confederate flag in a 2010 interview,” CNN reported in February 2023 (see story here). And called slavery “tradition.”

Haley is ducking reporters’ questions about her pro-Confederate past (read story here). But there’s no doubt she was a Confederate sympathizer by word and deed until her ambitions expanded beyond South Carolina’s boundaries. What is she now? Oh, just somebody who wants to be president for no better reason than ambition.

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