Tiffany Dover isn’t dead

Tiffany Dover, a Tennessee hospital nurse, fainted after receiving one of the first Covid-19 vaccine shots (first video clip below).

She has a long history of fainting spells, and the vaccine shot had nothing to do with it. It’s a result of an underlying medical condition.

But anti-vaccine conspiracists seized upon the incident as “proof” that Covid shots are dangerous, even deadly, and a false internet meme was born: Tiffany Dover is dead, and the Covid vaccine killed her. NBC News recounts the long and winding tale of Dover’s internet “death” here.

As you can see in the second video clip below, Tiffany Dover isn’t dead. Or, if she is, her corpse is doing a bang-up job of impersonating a live person.

Facts matter. If your life is at stake, do you believe your doctor, or anonymous strangers on the internet? Incredibly, some people chose the latter and with their lives.

The anti-vaxxers are antisocial liars, and their lies endanger people. The Covid vaccines prevent hospitalizations and deaths. That has returned our daily lives to some semblance of normal. Today, over 80% of Americans are vaccinated (details here). Virtually all the Americans still dying from Covid (see latest data here) are unvaccinated.

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