What’s in a song?

Sometimes enough to set off political fireworks.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who infamously flashes guns to make political statements (photo, left), blasted the NFL for inviting black actress and singer Sheryl Ralph to perform “Lift Every Voice and Sing” at the Superbowl on Sunday, February 12, 2023 (read story here).

Her beef? The song is often characterized as the “black national anthem” (even Ralph calls it such), and “America only has ONE NATIONAL ANTHEM,” Boebert whined (see her tweet below).

Ralph responded, “To me, that shows a major effort by the NFL to be truly inclusive, to say, ‘We’re going to represent all people.’ What a way to bring us all together.” Boebert wants none of that. (Related story: Boebert has promoted neo-Nazi “replacement theory,” read story here.)

This is, of course, is “culture war” stuff. What Boebert is attacking is inclusiveness, a nod to America’s black population, and recognizing our society is a melting pot of many races and cultural traditions. The unstated message is we all have to look the same and think alike. That’s racist. It’s not a good look for the GOP, if they want to appeal to minorities.

In his 2023 State of the Union speech, Biden characterized the “culture war” as a “battle for the soul of America.” People like Boebert and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis not only push conservative ideas of nationhood, but argue there’s no room for any others. It boils down to intolerance.

To watch Ralph’s performance, click on the “Watch on YouTube” link below.

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