If you can’t bend your knees, it’s time to wash your jeans

So you thought this blog is about politics, huh? Not entirely. It also has stories on pushups, photobombing bears, nerve-wracking roads, and laundry advice.

Laundry advice includes lots of things, including machine vs. hand washing, what soap to use, water temperature, and — for some folks — whether to wash at all.

This article will focus not on “whether” but on “when” to wash, because who wants to live like that guy, and I’ll draw on outside expertise because all I know about doing laundry is which basket to throw my dirty socks in.

Speaking of dirty socks, “There’s no hard and fast rule for how many times you can wear clothing again, but experts say there are a few types that should be washed after every use: underwear, socks, … [and] any other clothes with stains, sweat, odor or visible dirt” (quoted from “laundry advice” link above).

As for jeans, “Whether and how often to wash jeans can be a hot topic, since many people want to maintain the integrity of the fabric, which is usually stiffer and more durable than others. If jeans aren’t sweaty, dirty or stained, they don’t have to be washed often, Rossi said. ‘I personally don’t wash my jeans,’ he added” (quoted from same link).

Well there you have it, laundry advice from the experts. It seems to be a matter of common sense. I’m thinking if your jeans stand up by themselves (see photo), or you can’t bend your knees, it may be time to wash ’em.

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