The DeSantis Thai test

No, it’s not an IQ test. If you’re smart, you won’t vote for him.

A former Yale classmate of Ron DeSantis, the stuntman who wants to be president, says he would tell dates he liked Thai food, intentionally mispronouncing it as “thigh.” (E.g., “I like Thigh food, how about you?”)

If they corrected him (“it’s Tie food, love,” and eye roll) he was done with them, because he didn’t want a girlfriend who would correct him. (Read story here.) Can you imagine what it’s like being one of his kids?

By the way, he didn’t meet his wife in college. He fished her out of a Florida TV newsroom years later. Maybe the co-eds he met during his college years had a test of their own.

Photo below: Thigh food

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