What’s next, fourth trimester abortions?

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) thinks so. In a fundraising email to supporters on Monday, August 8, 2022, he warned, “If we don’t take back the Senate, Dems will pack the courts, give DC statehood, grant abortions up to 52 weeks, and Republicans will never win again.”

See that and several other hilariously ignorant remarks by Republican males about women’s bodies here. By the way, have you noticed how many of the most draconian anti-abortion laws are propagated by men?

A Planned Parenthood doctor jumped on Scott’s remark with this riposte: “It is comments like this one that underscore exactly why medical decisions should not be made by politicians.” I think that could be better-focused, because generally speaking, Democratic politicians aren’t the problem, and female legislators only peripherally contribute to the problem (as when, for example, Susan Collins (R-ME) believed Kavanaugh when he said Roe v. Wade was settled precedent).

I’m not saying I’m for or against abortions. My position is a stranger having an abortion is none of my business. If Republican women don’t want abortions, that’s fine with me.

But I’d like to be a fly on the wall when their husbands prattle about 52-week pregnancies.

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