The right way to overthrow the government

A northern California town populated by rightwing nutcases rebelled against their GOP-dominated local government by recalling a county supervisor who is merely very conservative, pro-gun, and a former cop.

They were angry because “the all-GOP board would not defy closures and mandates” ordered by the Democratic governor. So they used “the recall procedure permitted under California law.”

Which is fine. Don’t like your government? Vote ’em out.

I say it’s fine because it’s democracy, not political violence. I believe in that. And if screwballs like this woman (photo, left) want their county “to return state and federal money, so it [will] have freedom to defy the health orders,” that’s fine, too.

Rejecting state and federal funding, I mean. They can pay more local taxes, or do without the services. They still have to obey the health orders until a court strikes them down, though.

But a lot of the folks in this redneck town pack guns, some belong to armed rightwing militias, and a few say they’ll “fight” if the state tries to enforce the law.

That’s not fine.

That’s political violence; it’s criminal; and when people talk like that, they’re on the verge of becoming a violent mob.

So, while they’ve played by the rules so far, and kept their rebellion within the ballot box, they’re flirting with insurrection. The response to that likely would include the National Guard taking over their town.

Read story here.

Photo below: This sure looks like flag desecration to me, but that’s legal in this country

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