Self-portrait of a fool

Unfortunately, this is all too typical of a certain mindset and group of people.

I certainly don’t wish illness or death upon him. I hope for the opposite — that he doesn’t get Covid-19-delta — for his sake, his family’s sake, our sake. The odds seem stacked against him, though; over the weekend, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Trump’s former FDA commissioner, predicted nearly all unvaccinated Americans will become infected with “the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime” (story here).

Meanwhile, despite the very real and serious threat posted by the Delta variant now spreading like wildfire across the U.S., vaccine resisters like the one above fling around a variety of excuses for not getting vaccinated — none of which stand up to scrutiny (see them listed and debunked here).

While I do not wish this very serious and easily preventable illness on anyone, I do wish want them held responsible for their poor choices. They, or their estates, should pay their ICU bills. Not Medicare, Medicaid, taxpayers, insurance premium payers, or hospitals and health care providers. There’s no justifiable reason for the rest of us to foot the bill for their negligence. If you play with fire, you pay for the damage. That’s a simple, fair, and common-sense rule.

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