More voter fraud found!

A Colorado man accused of murdering his wife voted for Trump with her ballot because he says she would have wanted him to, ABC News reported on Friday, May 14, 2021. Read story here.

Barry Morphew’s wife disappeared in May 2020, and is still missing. Meanwhile, when her ballot came back, it attracted attention. The kind that goes, “If she voted, where is she?”

Probably not the smartest move for someone related to a missing person who might prefer to avoid attention.

ABC News said he confessed to FBI agents that he voted with his wife’s ballot. If he can’t produce a live voter, what choice would he have? Felony forgery charges have now been tacked onto the pending murder charges, but that’s probably the least of his problems.

As for his motive, it was the usual one: “Just because I wanted Trump to win. I just thought, give him another vote.”

Plus, the usual disordered thinking endemic to Trump supporters: “I figured all these other guys are cheating.”

And, he says, he figured his wife “was going to vote for Trump anyway.” Now that raises some interesting questions, because from this graph …

… it sure looks like a lot of women voted for Biden behind their husbands’ backs.

Photo: Was this a Trump voter? Statistics suggest he shouldn’t feel so sure …

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