Biden grants relief to defrauded student borrowers

Betsy DeVos

President Biden will grant relief to defrauded student borrowers denied by Betsy DeVos, Trump’s billionaire education secretary.

DeVos scrooged on debt relief, and even that existed only on paper, because she held up hundreds of thousands of relief applications for years.

The students were misled by false job promises and other misrepresentations by for-profit private vocational schools, some of which went bankrupt and left students dangling.

Biden’s action will result in full debt relief for about 73,000 former students, and cost the government roughly $1 billion. It also may create 73,000 Democratic-voters-for-life. This is the sort of thing people don’t forget, nor will they forget what DeVos, a Republican, did to them.

Meanwhile, Democrats continue debating broader debt relief for college students in general.

Read story here.

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