Why are Trump’s lawyers so bad?

On the first day of Trump’s 2nd impeachment trial, which focused on the constitutionality of holding a trial, his lead attorney rambled for 45 minutes about Athenians, Greeks, Romans, and everything else except whether the impeachment trial is constitutional (the Senate voted 56-44 that it is, so the trial moves to the next phase).

Meanwhile, in Florida, where another of Trump’s legal battles is being fought, his lawyer there argued he should be allowed to live at his Mar-a-Lago property despite contractual restrictions on overnight stays (intended to keep him from turning it into a hotel) because he’s the “mayor of Mar-a-Lago.” (Read story here.)

Sorry, no. Mar-a-Lago isn’t an incorporated town with its own government. It’s part of Palm Beach, which already has a mayor, and he isn’t her.

As for why Trump’s lawyers are so bad, that’s because good lawyers won’t risk their reputations to work for him.

Photo: Gail L. Coniglio, the real mayor of Palm Beach, Florida, where Mar-a-Lago is situated. 

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