Sports stars: Cowboy bullrider and Russian pole vaulter (videos)

I doubt very many people in the academic departments of the University of Washington, or studying foreign policy at Georgetown University, or writing policy papers in Washington D.C. think tanks — the kind of people I like to imagine read this blog (even though 90% of its site traffic is to Dr. Steve’s fantasy satire piece here about Michelle Obama being transgender) — follow the sport of bullriding (it’s more of a cowboy thing); but who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe watching bullriding is a highly popular diversion on campuses and in the Marble City. There are a lot of things about this world I don’t know.

In any case, while surfing YouTube, I ran across videos of J. B. Mauney, who’s apparently the Michael Jordan of the sport (read about him here). And yes, there’s BIG bucks to be made riding bulls, if you’re very good at it, which he is.

Surfing YouTube also is how I learned that Yelena Isinbayeva is not only the greatest female pole vaulter of all time, but also super-cool; read her bio here.

There are lots of Mauney and Isinbayeva videos on YouTube. Two samples are below.


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