Middlebury College revokes Giuliani’s honorary degree

Middlebury College of Vermont revoked an honorary degree it gave Rudy Giuliani in 2005, The Hill reported on Tuesday, January 12, 2020. Read story here and the college’s statement here.

On Monday, the college’s president, Laurie Patton, accused the Giuliani of “fomenting the violent uprising against our nation’s Capitol building on January 6, 2021—an insurrection against democracy itself.” Giuliani has come under fire for inciting a rally that became a mob by exhorting them to oppose the electoral vote confirming Biden’s victory with “trial by combat.”

“That same day, the New York State Bar Association also said it was launching an inquiry to determine whether Giuliani ‘should be removed from the membership rolls of the association,’” The Hill said. But the NYSBA is a voluntary group that can only kick out Giuliani from its membership, as it doesn’t have authority to disbar attorneys.
St. John Fisher College is considering stripping Giuliani of an honorary degree it awarded to him in 2015. Read that story here.

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