Will Trump renege on concession?

Trump fans, widely known to reject facts while eagerly embracing wild falsehoods, refuse to believe Trump actually conceded the election and think the video of him doing so must be a “deep fake.”

He did, and it isn’t, but his heart obviously wasn’t in it. He woodenly read a script written by someone else under duress (most likely a threat to invoke 25th Amendment). People who think that was fake are asking the wrong question.

What they should be wondering is not if, but when, this man who’s never honored a contract or obligation in his life will renege on what he said in that statement.

He might as well. The Democrats are going to impeach him anyway — this time for extorting Georgia officials and inciting insurrection. A man who hates to lose has nothing to lose. (Actually, he does, but it’s questionable whether he realizes it.)

I repeat, he will renege. This isn’t speculation on my part; it’s speculation by White House reporters who see the guy every day (when he’s not in hiding). Based on their observations, this is what they thinks is going on right now:

“Shortly after his White House video—in which a scripted President Trump acknowledged that a transition to a ‘new’ administration was underway … posted online, Trump started having second thoughts.”


Because “the backlash from his diehard fans had already begun online … [and] despite confidants’ efforts to shield him, by early Friday, it appeared that he’d started noticing some of the fallout” from appearing to give up. If you’d like to know how intense that “fallout” is, and what’s driving it, read the rest of the Daily Beast article here.

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