The Witness

This article contains news and liberal commentary.

Not everyone gets 13 million YouTube views in 24 hours, so here she is, the sensational Melissa Carone in all her glory (video below). About this, Bridget Read, writing for New York magazine, said:

“When I sluggishly hopped onto the hamster wheel of life yesterday (this is what happens to one’s mood when the sun sets at lunch), little did I know I would be treated to the most entertaining dramatic production I have ever seen, a masterwork to rival Shakespeare’s ‘Comedy of Errors.’ It was the Trump campaign’s latest set of election fraud hearings in Michigan, wherein they presented a set of ‘extraordinary witnesses’ of alleged voter fraud, who testified in front of members of the state legislature in an attempt to flip Michigan’s electoral votes. …

“The day started off with a veritable carnival of eccentrics, who had a lot to say about what they saw as votes were counted in Michigan. … But the highlight of the day’s clown show was Melissa Carone …. She delivered her testimony while noticeably slurring her words [Ed. — the commentator in the video below wonders aloud if she was drunk] …. Melissa … had already been declaredsimply not credible’ by a Michigan judge ….

“First, Melissa talked indignantly about how she was upset to learn she would be parking in a parking lot, and then shuttled to the vote counting location by a shuttle. Then Melissa said speaking out about election fraud has made her scared for her life, unable to find a job [Ed. — this part is believable; the Daily Mail claims she served a probation for computer crime, read that story here], and so worried about her safety she had to delete her social media. …

“Finally, after all of this, Giuliani … audibly farted while delivering testimony.” [Ed. — I can sympathize.]

They were other crazy witnesses, too, like the woman whose “evidence of fraud was that an ‘Asian man’ brought in a box of ballots,” and another woman who said all Asians look the same to her. Read story here.

This hearing was staged by Republicans to discredit the election results in Michigan, which Biden won by 150,000 votes. It was a kangaroo hearing; they “did not allow testimony under oath, restricted Democrats from calling witnesses, and prohibited cross-examination, leading Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel to call the hearings a ‘state sponsored disinformation campaign geared toward undermining our electoral system.'” Read about that here.

Politics, of course, is for show; and these are “hearings” are show trials, not designed to find out the truth or fix real problems. The pervasive dishonesty of today’s Republicans is another reason to take them with a ton of salt. The reality is there was no election fraud, so there’s no evidence of election fraud, and their lawsuits have been rejected by the courts for lack of evidence.

These attacks on Biden’s election win won’t succeed, and Republicans know this. We should pay attention to why they’re investing so much effort and money (millions of dollars) in what looks like tilting at windmills. There’s a reason for this: To deny Biden legitimacy and undermine his ability to govern. Republicans don’t believe in democracy, and don’t think Democrats should be allowed to govern, even when they win elections.

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  1. Mark Adams #

    It is actually good politics. Testifying in front of the legislature is testifying in front of the body that counts. Not every issue in front of the courts and legislature are voter fraud, though that is really not what the Republicans are claiming. What they are claiming is good old fashion machine style ballot stuffing. They are also claiming Republican Democratic watchers in at least some locations. They are claiming that procedures in some prescient’s and counties were different.
    Now that this individual has testified it does seem that if there are future hearings and court cases she might be called by attorneys on the Democratic side.

    Trump does not have to win by flipping Michigan, He wins by nullifying the election, something courts have done, Though they would prefer to stay out of it. The state legislature can step in. and Congress when the electors votes are counted state by state dispute a states electoral votes. As it in in these five or six states if the process were Democratic because neither candidate got over 50% of the vote both would get 1/2 the electoral votes. That would be the Democratic solution in thee elections, but no because the process is not and never has been Democratic. This rational elegant solution would spare us of the circus going on, and I have not done the math to see if this favors either candidate or if it results in a tie of which there is a Constitutional process that is presume Democratic as we the people vote for members of Congress and the House has always selected the President should there be no winner in the electoral college.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    It’s entertainment for people who enjoy watching clown shows.

  3. It is good to have witnesses testify, but only if they are sane #

    How does this help the GOP? It doesn’t as she doesn’t appear rational, sane or credible.

    Can’t Republicans find a more rational, credible witness?

    No? Does it matter?

    Where is the evidence?

    There isn’t any.

    False witnesses. False storie.
    Obstruction to overturn the process.

    Get over the lost sore losers.

    Trump lost and he cannot abide by having lost, the election. Trump lost. Majority of American voters and the world rejoiced.