Barr’s farcical “no widespread fraud” announcement

“Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election,” the Associated Press reported on December 1, 2020.

“Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but ‘to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.'” Read story here.

[Raises hand] Can I ask a question?

Did you guys find any fraud? Like, one case?

I mean, what kind of horsepuckey is this? Trump claims the election was stolen from him by “fraud,” and surveys show 70% of Republican voters believe it was, but all Barr is willing to say is that federal prosecutors and FBI agents didn’t find outcome-changing fraud.

That leaves the barn door wide open for fraud conspiracy theories of lesser consequence, and also implies they found some fraud — which, of course, feeds those conspiracy theories and the anger of Trump supporters who believe without any evidence their candidate was robbed. While they’re not going to get that evidence from Barr, nor is he sticking up for the legitimacy of this election.

So let’s hold his feet to the fire. Show your cards, Bill. How many cases do you have? So far, U.S. attorneys haven’t indicted or charged anyone for voting fraud, so if they do have some cases, why aren’t they prosecuting them? Put up, or shut up.

What I’m getting at is Barr is concealing the fact they not only didn’t find “widespread” fraud, they didn’t find fraud, period. (In presidential elections, typically about half a dozen people in the entire country are prosecuted for voting fraud; so I’m guessing that after all the dust settles, the number of cases will be either zero or in single digits.)

Barr is a toady, and if Trump says there’s fraud, this spineless jellyfish won’t contradict him. Maybe he’s afraid if he does, Trump will fire him, but so what? He’s going to lose his job in a few weeks anyway. He may as well use that time to try salvaging a little bit of his reputation, because as things stand now, he doesn’t have any reputation, and will go into the history books as the worst attorney general ever.

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