Trump demands election redo!

“President Donald Trump attacked Fox News and demanded the election be rerun in an early morning tweet storm,” the U.K.-based tabloid Daily Mail said on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 (read story here).

“Trump, in the nearly dozen tweets and retweets fired off Tuesday morning, appeared to  be backpedaling from Monday evening’s decision by the General Services Administration to allow the transition process to begin,” Daily Mail said. He also demanded a new election, channeling former-actor-turned-fugitive Dennis Quaid (image below).

Trump has claimed the election was tainted by “massive fraud,” which apparently refers to black people voting, as he and his legal team have offered the courts no evidence of what is legally deemed fraud. The GOP spends millions of dollars and devotes countless man-hours to preventing black people from voting, and the cities where they’ve demanded hundreds of thousands of votes be tossed out — Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Milwaukee — all have large black populations.

Black people are legally allowed to vote in the United States, whether Trump likes it or not. Also, they no longer are owned as slaves, following passage of the 13th Amendment. It’s unclear whether Trump is up to speed on this.

What is clear, though, is this man-child skipped civics education during his upbringing and doesn’t have a 7th-grader’s understanding of how our government works, i.e., you don’t get a new election just because you lost the first one, and losing means you lost.

For what it’s worth, if these yahoos (Trump and Quaid) want paper ballots — not that they get to dictate how our elections are conducted — that’s fine with me. But as for requiring in-person voting, no. In any case, that’s up to the states, and they seem not to understand that each state makes its own election rules.

Photo above: What a 2-year-old toddler in a 74-year-old body looks like; it’s not pretty.

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