Pence’s pinkeye: What does it mean?

TV shows everything, including the white flecks on Mike Pence’s dark suit, and the now-famous fly on his head. But what many viewers fixated on was his left eye.

“In the corner, it appeared to be very red,” Raw Story reported here, “and it sparked conversations about whether it was pink eye, generally caused by rubbing your eye without washing your hands after using the bathroom. It could also have been a ruptured blood vessel or some other complications for the vice president.” Or maybe makeup got in his eye (video below).

The Opthalmology Times reported that pink eye can also be one of the symptoms of the coronavirus.

Bam. That’s what everyone’s talking about. Does Pence have Covid-19? Who knows? If he does, we’ll find out in a few days. If he doesn’t, he should wash his hands after using the bathroom.

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  1. The best answer wins #

    1. Jab himself in the eye putting on a contact

    2. Stage makeup got in the eye.

    3. He is allergic to debates.

    4. Eye twitches then turns red when he is
    around intelligent women.