Trump’s white supremacy enforcer bullied cabinet into child separations policy

“If we don’t enforce this, it is the end of our country as we know it,” 

Trump adviser and white supremacist Stephen Miller told Trump’s cabinet. The “country” he’s referring to, of course, is a white-majority, white-privileged society where cops kill black people at will and minorities are prevented from voting or holding public office — a country that hasn’t existed since the 1960s. 

A whitewing extremist seized control of Trump’s immigration policy

NBC News says,

“In early May 2018, after weeks of phone calls and private meetings, 11 of the president’s most senior advisers were called to the White House Situation Room where they were asked, by a show-of-hands vote, to decide the fate of thousands of migrant parents and their children, according to two officials who were there. Trump’s senior adviser, Stephen Miller, led the meeting and, according to the two officials, he was angry at what he saw as defiance by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

“Nielsen told those at the meeting that there were simply not enough resources at DHS, nor at the other agencies that would be involved, to be able to separate parents, prosecute them for crossing the border and return them to their children in a timely manner …. As Nielsen had said repeatedly to other officials in the weeks leading up to the meeting, … the process could get messy and children could get lost in an already clogged system. … Frustrated, Miller accused Nielsen of stalling and then demanded a show of hands. Who was in favor of moving forward, he asked? A sea of hands went up. Nielsen kept hers down. It was clear she had been outvoted, according to the officials.”

“Miller saw the separation of families not as an unfortunate byproduct, but as a tool to deter more immigration. According to three former officials, he had devised plans that would have separated even more children. Miller, with the support of Sessions, advocated for separating all immigrant families, even those going through civil court proceedings, the former officials said.”

Those plans didn’t include a system for tracking the children so they could be reunited with their families. And about a year later, Miller played the instrumental role in forcing Nielsen out. Read story here.

Stephen Miller is a monster, and he’s in charge of Trump’s immigration policies. A descendant of Russian emigres, he’s turned into an alt-right rabblerouser in high school, where he bullied Latino fellow students to “speak only English.” He promotes conspiracy theories and white nationalist publications. He accuses minorities battling racism of being racists. He hobnobs with the likes neo-Nazi leader Richard Spencer.

Going from college directly into politics, Miller worked his way up from speechwriter for various GOP politicians to his current position in the Trump White House. Read his Wikipedia bio here.

With Miller bullying his cabinet, Trump doesn’t need to show his racist colors (although he does, from time to time). He’s got a white supremacist doing the dirty work for him.

Photo: Don’t let your kids near this man, especially if they’re brown, but no color is safe except Aryan white. I tried to find a picture of him with horns, but only came up with Nazi juxtapositions, and I’m unwilling to go there, so this will have to do.

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