SUNDAY REVELATION: The New Revelations Via Facebook

Over on FB, a friend of mine, a religious man and a reformed Mormon, seem to be giving us a new word of God. though Peter is very modest about making the claim of authorship by the divine.

Stephen Schwartz If a fertilized egg has a soul and the egg is aborted, does the soul go to heaven?

Peter John Stone's Profile Photo, Image may contain: one or more people and people sittingPeter John Stone Ecclesiastes says those who die before birth are better off than those who are born.

But clouding the issue up with Theology is pointless.

If your body is yourself, you exist as soon as your body does, regardless of developmental phase. No soul required.

If your body exists before you do, then your body is not yourself, and bodily autonomy has no foundation.

“If your body is yourself, you exist as soon as your body does, regardless of developmental phase. No soul required.
If your body exists before you do, then your body is not yourself, and bodily autonomy has no foundation.”

Though couched in “if” language a lawyer or a Jesuit might appreciate, you state this in a way that reveals the existence of a “you” .. an identity or soul. Further, you set forth the equation of the body as existing independent with development .. presumably concluding that a fertilized egg is identity .. whether that is a frog or a Republican.

As in court or the nightly chat shows, a lawyer using hypotheticals can use them as a priest or prophet does to state facts.
Another FB friend, , chimed  in:
 Abdullah Ibn Musa Islam  Muhammad mentioned animals in Paradise: horses, camels, bees, and I hope evil kitties also go to Paradise.

Stephen Schwartz I responded

Yes .. but this assumes that identity is more than physical existence. If I am the cells and molecules of my body, and they no longer exist, the question has no meaning.
Even Buddhism assumes some sort of identity outside of physical reality. I do not, My only existence after my death will be as memory or in the deeds and writings I leave behind.

The came this:

Richard Gayle Both Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas said that the soul entered boys at about 40 days and girls at about 80-90 days. Mainly because these are about the dates one can be certain of the sex of a child, based on the miscarriages seen at the times. So, to them, souls entered when the sex became obvious.

Can I look forward to more revelations?

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  1. Mark Adams #

    If a roe is harvested for caviar, and all those eggs have soul what happens to the souls of the eggs when the fish dies, when the eggs are harvested, when the egg are consumed? There is no scientific proof there is a soul in caviar, chicken eggs, cow, pigs or humans, and in fact many humans are walking around who got their start in a test tube, and it is just possible that science could grow a human fetus in the lab from conception to birth. Does that fetus have a soul? Can a soul enter but through a womb or only through a human womb? Is the soul merely a creation to comfort or give us respite from the realities of death. If one is truly dead it is time to go through the departed pockets and look for loose change.

  2. theaveeditor #

    Good comment!